New Technology Implementation Grant
Kinetik recieves 2023 New Technology
Implementation Grant
CR Permian Processing, LLC, an entity of Kinetik Holdings, Inc., is an award recipient of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) 2023 New Technology Implementation Grant. The grant supports the implementation of new technologies that reduce emissions from facilities and other stationary sources in Texas.

Kinetik was successfully awarded $644,977 to help offset the incremental costs of repowering a natural gas compressor with an electric motor at its Pecos Bend Gas Processing Plant in Pecos, Texas. Specifically, this grant will help fund a portion of the costs to replace one existing 4,735 horsepower (HP) natural gas driven engine used in natural gas residue compression service with a 5,000 HP electric motor. Upon completion, this project will eliminate emissions, including NOx, VOC, CO, PM, SO2, HCHO, and GHG, associated with operation of the existing natural gas driven engine. Project completion is expected in 2024.
Under the terms of the grant contract, Kinetik will submit biannual Implementation Reports and annual Operations Reports. TCEQ publishes these reports on its TERP website.
For questions regarding this project, contact Dawn Coufal, VP of Sustainability, at dcoufal@kinetik.com.